5 Books for kids under 7 about anxiety
The first in my ongoing series of book recommendations. I am an avid reader. I love bringing books into my sessions and helping kinds understand themselves through stories. So often kids open up to me about their own experience after we’ve read a book - somehow seeing a character on the page that feels similar helps them realize they aren’t alone.
So here are my recommendations for books about anxiety for young kids
The Way I Feel series are wonderful for young children. They give simple explanations of the sensations, thoughts and behaviors associated with a feeling. They also give plenty of reassuring self-talk phrases, and coping strategies.
Worries are not Forever is aimed at toddlers and very young children. This book gently reminds children that worries are normal, and something we can cope with.
The I’m Not Scared book compares scary situations to similar less scary situations to encourage young children to think through their fears.
This sweet story about Bear uses rhythm and repetition to encourage kids to recite along with you. This book for very young children reminds kids it’s okay to be scared, and our friends can help us feel better.
It is a normal part of childhood for your child to worry and wonder when you are away from them. This book reminds kids that we are always connected with our loved ones, no matter they are. This book is also excellent if your child is processing death or loss of a loved one.